Interview with our Skalleague, Deaner Snively

Senior Account Executive at Marriott International Hawaii and French Polynesia Resorts. Deaner is born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii. He Moved to San Francisco about 25 years ago and now call this great city home.

What are your best memories at SKAL?

Attending the holiday dinners is a time I really enjoyed every year. The atmosphere is so festive and filled with holiday cheer. There is also anticipation for what the next year will bring. It’s also a time to get to know our fellow SKAL members and their partners.

What SKAL brought you in your career/business?

SKAL has enriched my career by opening doors and experiences that I may not have necessarily considered. It really has opened the world to me and broadened my knowledge of the world around us and the many facets of our business.

“SKAL has enriched my career by opening doors and experiences”

Why would you recommend someone to join SKAL?

I would recommend SKAL for its camaraderie and its great networking. It brings together all sectors of our travel industry. We can share ideas, help each other and support the communities we live in and around the world.

Is your business affected by the current pandemic?

Yes, but we are slowly seeing some recovery.

Do you have any mantra these days?

-Take one day at a time.


-Find the silver lining

Our industry has proven to be resilient and, Skalleagues are willing to help”

What would recommend these days to your colleagues hit by Covid-19?

As hard as it is or can be, hang in there. Take time to reflect and keep an open mind. Also know that you are not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help – our industry has proven to be resilient and people, Skalleagues are willing to help.